The Small Firm Attorney’s Guide to Legal Outsourcing

Litigation attorneys, particularly those operating solo and small law firms, are in a tight place in today’s economy. Many of you have been forced to downsize your law practices, reduce your spending, and set tighter case budgets.
Despite the cutbacks, you still have injured clients to represent, legal documents to prepare, cases to litigate, and others to move towards settlement.
Though you have a dedicated in-house team working feverishly day (and some nights) to stay on top of your caseload, you cannot seem to get ahead. And a growing number of you are trying to save money by handling every matter on your own.
You are completing one task only to find another past due and it’s all preventing you from developing a more proactive approach to case management. You’re tired of struggling and secretly long for a sense of control in your practice.
You need skilled paralegal support but your workload does not justify hiring another full-time professional. You have considered contacting a legal staffing agency, but you’d much rather have an option that doesn’t include pricey agency fees.
Does this sound familiar? Keep reading. It gets better.
The Outsourcing Solution
Legal outsourcing is an ideal solution for small firm litigators who are looking to better manage their caseload and get more done.
Wisely used, outsourcing enables you to add an experienced paralegal to your practice to support you and your associate attorneys – without the added expenses of a full-time employee.
This will not only free your associates up to focus their attention on matters that require their unique skillsets but will also help you streamline tasks and build stronger cases.
Have I grabbed your attention? Awesome! That was my intention. 🙂
Who I Am and Why I Wrote this Guide
I am Vickie Perry Barker, litigation maven and creator of Paralegal Alchemy LLC.
Since the 1990’s, I have provided support to attorneys in 1000’s of litigation matters – from catastrophic personal injuries, medical malpractice, nursing home and birth injuries, to trucking and automobile accidents, fatalities and more.
I have worked on both sides of the law – plaintiff and defense – and in every corner of the law practice, assisting senior partners and associate attorneys.
Proven Outsourcing Rewards
In 2007, I opened the doors of my first legal support firm. I have witnessed firsthand the value of seamless, remote assistance for solo and small firm lawyers, and the real-life results that can be manifested when outsourcing is done well.
With my firm’s assistance:
- An overworked, sleep deprived attorney was finally able to carve out personal time for himself and his family after delegating nearly 50% of his workload;
- A small firm litigator invested in a professional website and consistent organic marketing 12+ years ago and it continues to reward his practice today;
- A personal injury attorney grew his small firm from half a dozen new PI cases each year to half a dozen new cases each month;
- A general practitioner implemented core administrative systems, developed a forms/templates database, streamlined his workflow and increased his staff’s productivity significantly; and
- A busy criminal defense lawyer, once overwhelmed with administrative minutia, was able to gain control of his workload and increase client referrals.
I could go on and on! Several attorneys took the outsourcing leap, transitioned from paper-cluttered to paperless offices, and transformed their small law practices with my right-hand assistance.
At Paralegal Alchemy, my mission is simple – to provide a sense of relief and freedom to litigators like you.
I’ve penned The Small Firm Attorney’s Guide to Legal Outsourcing to calm your fears and answer questions you may have about outsourcing to freelancers, the pros and cons, how to find the right legal professional for your team, and help you decide which tasks you can start delegating today.
By the end of this guide (or hopefully sooner), you will know how to harness the power of outsourcing to leverage your time and money, build a thriving practice, and create space to provide your clients’ cases with the attention they deserve.