Personal Injury Paralegal Support from Case Inception through Resolution
From the moment you’re retained, much is expected of your small law firm.
Whether you represent the plaintiff or defendant, it’s your duty to weave together a case you can present to a judge and jury.
You must uncover key case exhibits, identify witnesses and treating physicians, gather medical records, depose parties, challenge legal theories – and you’re expected to get it all done within the discovery period.
Your days get hectic. You’re juggling a myriad of tasks — from late court filings to unwritten demand letters, unread emails, untouched cases, an endless to-do list and clients that need your attention.
In the midst of trying to manage it all on your own, you miss calls from potential clients, forget to calendar deadlines and as a result, impede the flow of your cases — and your practice.
Until you get control of your workload, your law firm will suffer.
The good news is your cure for overwhelm is right here. The relief you seek is only an email away.
Legal Outsourcing Solutions
Solo and small firm lawyers invest in Paralegal Alchemy’s support services when they are ready to:
- Streamline tasks and increase productivity
- Transform raw content into expertly formatted documents
- Draft dynamic demand letters and attract better settlement offers
- Gather medical records and calculate special damages
- Review voluminous documents and identify key exhibits
- Dissect legal theories and develop trial strategies
- Prepare legal motions and briefs for electronic filing
- Research jury verdicts and court decisions
- Develop marketing plans and attract potential clients